Learn to Apply Tools from Emotion-Centered Problem-Solving Therapy
to Build Resilience & Manage Difficult Life Problems
Hosted by Drs. Art & Chris Maguth Nezu
This page includes references and resources for mental health professionals interested in learning more about:
The theory underlying PST and EC-PST
Research supporting the efficacy of this approach across multiple psychological problems among various age and ethnic groups
Assessment of social problem solving
Click the pictures on the right side to access the web sites
for the book, videotape, and self-report measure.
Nezu, A. M., Nezu, C. M., Gerber, H. R., & Damico, J. L. (2022). Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy. In G. J. G. Asmundson
(Ed.), Comprehensive clinical psychology (2nd ed., vol. 6), pp. 129-139. New York: Elsevier.
Nezu, A. M. & Nezu, C. M. (2021). Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), Handbook of cognitive behavioral
therapy (pp. 463-489). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. (2019). Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: Treatment guidelines. New York: Springer Publishing
(click image to go to Springer website)
Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. (2019). Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: Client workbook. New York: Springer Publishing.
Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M., & Hays, A. M. (2019). Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy. In K. Dobson & D. Dozois (Eds.).
Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies (4th ed.; pp. 171-190). New York: Guilford.
Nezu, A. M., Nezu, C. M. & Gerber, H. R. (2019). (Emotion-centered) problem-solving therapy: An update. Australian Psychologist,
54, 361-371.
Nezu, A. M., Nezu, C. M., & Greenfield, A. P. (2018). Problem solving. In S. C. Hayes & S. G. Hofmann (Eds.), Process-based CBT: the
science and core clinical competencies of behavioral cognitive therapy (pp. 273-284). Oakland, CA: Context Press.
Barnes, T. N., Wang, F., & O'Brien, K. M. (2018). A meta‐analytic review of social problem‐solving interventions in preschool
settings. Infant and Child Development, e2095.
Bell, A. C., & D’Zurilla, T. J. (2009). Problem-solving therapy for depression: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 348-
Cape, J., Whittington, C., Buszewicz, M., Wallace, P., & Underwood, L. (2010). Brief psychological therapies for anxiety and
depression in primary care: meta-analysis and meta-regression. BMC Medicine, 8, 38.
Cuijpers, P., de Wit, L., Kleiboer, A., Karyotaki, E., & Ebert, D. D. (2018). Problem-solving therapy for adult depression: An updated
meta-analysis. European Psychiatry, 48, 27-37.
Cuijpers, P., van Straten, A., & Warmerdam, L. (2007). Problem solving therapies for depression: A meta-analysis. European
Psychiatry, 22, 9-15.
Fitzpatrick, S. L., Schumann, K. P., & Hill-Briggs, F. (2013). Problem solving interventions for diabetes self-management and
control: a systematic review of the literature. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 100, 145-161.
Holloway, E. E., Xie, J., Sturrock, B. A., Lamoureux, E. L., & Rees, G. (2015). Do problem-solving interventions improve psychosocial
outcomes in vision impaired adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Patient Education and Counseling, 98, 553-564.
Kirkham, J. G., Choi, N., & Seitz, D. P. (2016). Meta‐analysis of problem solving therapy for the treatment of major depressive
disorder in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31, 526-535.
Kiosses, D. N., & Alexopoulos, G. S. (2014). Problem-solving therapy in the elderly. Current Treatment Opinions in Psychiatry, 1, 15-
Linde, K., Sigterman, K., Kriston, L., Rücker, G., Jamil, S., Meissner, K., & Schneider, A. (2015). Effectiveness of psychological
treatments for depressive disorders in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis. The Annals of Family Medicine, 13, 56-68.
Malouff, J. M., Thorsteinsson, E. B., & Schutte, N. S. (2007). The efficacy of problem solving therapy in reducing mental and
physical health problems: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 46-57.
Nieuwsma, J. A., Trivedi, R. B., McDuffie, J., Kronish, I., Benjamin, D., & Williams Jr, J. W. (2012). Brief psychotherapy for depression:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 43, 129-151.
Simon, S. S., Cordás, T. A., & Bottino, C. M. (2015). Cognitive behavioral therapies in older adults with depression and cognitive
deficits: a systematic review. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30, 223-233.
Zhang, A., Park, S., Sullivan, J. E., & Jing, S. (2018). The effectiveness of problem-solving therapy for primary care patients'
depressive and/or anxiety disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 31, 139-150.
PST/EC-PST has been found to be effective for the following psychological problems and patient populations. See the Nezu & Nezu (2019) book for a description of such randomized clinical trials.
Adolescents with emotional/behavioral disorders
Anxiety and depression
Asperger Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cardiovascular problems
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Depression among older adults
End-stage renal disease
Healthy older adults
Intellectually disabled adults
Parental/family/informal caregivers
Perinatal/postpartum depression
PTSD symptoms
Substance abuse
Traumatic brain injury
Veteran/military populations
Vision problems
Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. (2009). Problem-solving therapy. APA DVD Series on Systems of Psychotherapy. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. (2018). Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: Working with clients with suicidal ideation. APA DVD
Series on Specific Treatments for Specific Problems. Washington, DC: American Psychological Associations. (click image to go to APA website)
D’Zurilla, T. J., Nezu, A. M., & Maydeu-Olivares, A. (2002). Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R): Technical manual.
North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems. (click image to go to MHS website)