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                    WHAT IS EC-PST? 

  • EC-PST is the most recent update of a psychosocial treatment program co-developed by Drs. Art and Chris Maguth Nezu originally known as Problem-Solving Therapy (PST)

  • PST is recognized as an evidenced-based therapy by various organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the Society of Clinical Psychology, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Air Force

  • EC-PST trains people in various skills aimed at increasing their ability to cope effectively with a variety of life stressors that often lead to negative emotional outcomes

  • Such life stressors can include:

    • Major negative life events (death of a loved one, chronic illness, loss of a job)

    • Continuous daily problems (difficulties with co-workers/boss, readjustment difficulties after leaving the military, limited finances)

    • Traumatic events (sexual assault, car accident, combat)


  • PST-based programs have been found to be helpful for a wide range of psychological and emotiona​l difficulties experienced by adolescents, young adults, adults, and older adults, including:

    • depression​

    • general anxiety

    • posttraumatic stress symptoms

    • suicide

    • substance use

    • problems experienced by a wide range of medical patients (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, COPD, renal disease, HIV/AIDS, infertility, insomnia, chronic pain, stroke, traumatic brain injury, macular degeneration)​​

    • difficulties experienced by caregivers


  • EC-PST is effective because it:​

    • Fosters hope
    • Improves coping skills
    • Builds resilience
    • Enhances flexibility
    • Improves stress management skills​ 
    • Improves decision-making ability



  • Moving Forward is a major PST-based program we helped the VA and DoD develop for U.S. Veterans and active service members; it has been found to be effective in reducing depression and general distress among such individuals, as well as improving their coping skills, resilience, and interpersonal functioning

    • Click here to access the award-winning web-based version of Moving Forward

    • Click here to access a copy of a scientific journal article describing the program   


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